
How To Change Consumables In World Of Warships


Run into also: Betoken Flag, Customization

Consumables provide ships with small still oft ship-saving advantages and improve their gainsay qualities when activated. While the "Impairment Control Party" consumable is bachelor on all warships, other consumables are specific to a sure type. Players tin purchase new consumables both with credits and doubloons.

  • The number of slots available for consumables also varies from ship to ship.
  • Consumables can be replaced with their enhanced versions that recharge quicker during battle.

To change the installed consumables:

  1. Become to the EQUIPMENT tab.
  2. Click a consumables slot.
  3. Select the consumables desired.

Damage Control Political party I/II [ ]

  • Instantly repairs any module incapacitations, fires, and floods.
  • Cost: Gratuitous / 22,500
Ship Nation Duration (sec) Cooldown (sec)
Aircraft carrier Nihon, United statesA. 5 xc / sixty
Battleship U.One thousand. v xc / threescore
Battleship Japan ten 120 / 80
Battleship Germany, France, The statesS.R. 15 120 / fourscore
Battleship UsaA. 20 120 / fourscore
Cruiser Nihon, U.Grand., Germany, United statesA., U.S.Southward.R. 5 90 / 60
Destroyer Japan, U.Chiliad., U.S.A., U.South.S.R., Pan-Asia, Poland 5 60 / xl

Spotting Shipping I/II [ ]

  • Launches airplane, +20% range, aerial scope perspective
  • Price: Costless / 22,500
  • Cooldown: 360 / 240 seconds
Transport Tier Nation Duration (sec) Charges
Murmansk V U.S.South.R. 100 3 / iv
Battleship IV Japan 100 2 / 3
Battleship V Nihon 100 iii / 4
Battleship VI, VII Japan, U.K., The statesA. 100 3 / 4
Battleship VIII Japan, Germany, U.S.A. 100 4 / five
Battleship IX U.S.A. 100 three / 4
Battleship Nine Nippon, Germany 100 5 / 6
Battleship 10 The statesA. 100 half-dozen / seven
Battleship X Japan, Germany 100 seven / 8
Cruiser V - VIII U.Grand. 180 3 / iv
Cruiser VI - Viii U.Due south.Due south.R. 100 three / four
Cruiser IX Nihon, Deutschland 100 3 / four
Cruiser 10 Japan 100 2 / 3
Cruiser X Germany 100 iii / iv
Cruiser Ten The statesA. 100 iv / 5

Catapult Fighter I/Two [ ]

  • Launches plane that patrols around transport.
  • Cost: Free / 22,500
  • Elapsing: 360 seconds
  • Cooldown: 180 / 120 seconds
Ship Tier Nation Charges
Battleship Vii Nihon, Frg, United statesA. three / 4
Battleship VIII Nihon, Federal republic of germany, U.S.A. 4 / four
Battleship Ix U.S.A. 3 / four
Battleship IX Japan, Germany five / 6
Battleship X The statesA. 6 / 7
Battleship Ten Nihon, Germany seven / 8
Cruiser 4 Japan 1 / 2
Cruiser V The statesA. 2 / 3
Cruiser V, VII, Viii Japan, U.Grand., Deutschland 3 / iv
Cruiser Six Germany 2 / 3
Cruiser VI Japan, U.Thousand. three / 4
Cruiser Vi - X U.S.A. 4 / 5
Cruiser Nine Japan, Frg 3 / iv
Cruiser X Japan two / 3
Cruiser X Frg iii / 4

Repair Political party I/Two [ ]

  • Repairs transport impairment by % maximum hit points per 2nd.
  • Toll: Free / 22,500
  • Cooldown: 120 / 80 seconds
Send Tier Nation Healing (%/sec) Duration (sec) Charges
Atago VIII Japan 0.v 28 ii / 3
Battleship Iii - VI Nippon, Germany, UsA. 0.5 28 three / 4
Battleship VI U.K. 0.half-dozen 28 three / four
Battleship VII Japan, Germany 0.5 28 3 / 4
Battleship 7 U.s.a.A. 0.65 28 three / 4
Battleship VIII - 10 Japan, Germany, UsA. 0.five 28 iii / 4
Cruiser Iii - VII U.K. 0.5 28 two / 3
Cruiser 8 - X U.Grand. ii.0 xx 2 / 3
Cruiser Nine - 10 Japan, Federal republic of germany, U.S.A., U.S.S.R. 0.v 28 2 / 3

Fume Generator I/2 [ ]

  • Deploys vision-obscuring smoke; Reduces enemy detection; Impairs vision
  • Cost: Gratuitous / 22,500
  • Cooldown: 240 / 160 seconds
Send Tier Nation Emission Fourth dimension (sec) Duration (sec) Charges
Iwaki Alpha IV Japan xv lxxx 2 / 3
Mikhail Kutuzov VIII U.S.S.R. 20 89 1 / two
Flintstone Seven U.s.a.A. 27 121 2 / three
Cruiser Five U.M. 7 96 ii / 3
Cruiser VI U.K. vii 99 2 / 3
Cruiser Vii U.K. vii 103 2 / 3
Cruiser 8 U.Chiliad. 7 106 2 / 3
Cruiser Nine U.M. 7 110 2 / iii
Cruiser X U.G. 7 113 2 / 3
Destroyer II U.S.A. 22 106 2 / 3
Destroyer III U.S.A. 23 109 2 / 3
Destroyer IV U.South.A. 24 112 2 / 3
Destroyer V United statesA. 25 115 2 / 3
Destroyer Vi U.South.A. 26 118 2 / 3
Destroyer 7 U.s.A. 27 121 two / 3
Destroyer VIII U.Southward.A., Pan-Asia 28 124
Destroyer 9 U.s.A. 29 127 2 / 3
Destroyer X U.s.a.A. 30 130 2 / 3
Destroyer II Nippon, U.Southward.S.R. 20 65 2 / iii
Destroyer 3 Nippon, U.Thou., U.Southward.S.R. 20 69 2 / three
Destroyer IV Nippon, U.S.Southward.R. 20 73 2 / 3
Destroyer V Nippon, The statesS.R. 20 77 2 / 3
Destroyer VI Nippon, UsS.R., Pan-Asia 20 81 two / three
Destroyer VII Japan, UsS.R., Poland 20 85 2 / 3
Destroyer VIII Nihon, U.S.S.R. xx 89 two / 3
Destroyer IX Japan, U.S.South.R. 20 93 2 / three
Destroyer 10 Japan, U.S.South.R. 20 97 ii / 3

Engine Boost I/II [ ]

  • Engine will operate at 108% or provide an 8% increase in top speed.
  • Cost: Free / 22,500
  • Destroyers only
  • Duration: 120 seconds
  • Cooldown: 180 / 120 seconds
  • Charges: 2 / 3
Tier Nation
Two, Four, Five, Ix, X Nippon, U.S.A., U.s.a.S.R.
III Japan, U.S.A., U.S.South.R., U.K.
VI, 8 Japan, UsA., UsDue south.R., Pan-Asia
VII Nihon, U.s.a.A., U.S.South.R., Poland

Hydroacoustic Enquiry I/II [ ]

  • Increases detection capability of enemy torpedoes and ships.
  • Cost: Costless / 22,500
  • Cooldown: 180 / 120 seconds
  • Charges: 2 / 3
Ship Tier Nation Duration (sec) Torpedo Detection Range (km) Ship Detection Range (km)
Lo Yang VIII Pan-Asia 90 ii.52 3.48
Battleship Eight Frg 118 3.84 five.58
Battleship IX Deutschland 120 3.93 5.73
Battleship Ten Germany 122 4.02 5.88
Cruiser 4 Nihon, U.K., U.South.A., U.Due south.S.R. 90 2.52 three.48
Cruiser 5 Nihon, U.1000., United states of americaA., UsS.R. 90 2.67 3.72
Cruiser VI Japan, U.K., UsA., U.S.S.R. 92 2.82 3.96
Cruiser VII Nippon, U.K., U.S.A., U.South.S.R. 94 ii.97 four.twenty
Cruiser Viii Nihon, U.Grand., U.South.A., U.S.S.R. 96 3.12 4.44
Cruiser 9 Japan, U.M., The statesA., The statesSouthward.R. 98 iii.27 iv.68
Cruiser X Nippon, U.K., U.S.A., The statesDue south.R. 100 3.42 4.92
Cruiser IV Germany 110 3.48 iv.92
Cruiser V Germany 112 three.57 5.13
Cruiser Vi Germany 114 3.66 5.28
Cruiser VII Germany 116 3.75 5.43
Cruiser VIII Germany 118 3.84 5.58
Cruiser Ix Federal republic of germany 120 three.93 five.73
Cruiser X Deutschland 122 four.02 5.88

Defensive AA Fire I/Two [ ]

  • Temporarily increases the damage of anti-aircraft guns.
  • Temporarily decreases the accurateness of enemy bombers.
  • Cost: Gratuitous / 22,500
Ship Tier Nation Elapsing (sec) +DPS% Cooldown (sec) Charges
Yubari Iv Japan 40 25mm: 300 180 / 120 1 / 2
Atlanta / Flint 7 U.S.A. forty 25mm: 300 180 / 120 Infinite
Lo Yang VIII Pan-Asia thirty 25mm: 300 180 / 120 2 / 3
Aircraft carrier Eight Nihon 120 25mm: 175 360 / 240 1 / 2
Aircraft carrier IX Japan 120 40mm: 175 360 1 / 2
Aircraft carrier X Nihon 120 40mm: 175 360 / 240 1 / two
Aircraft carrier VIII - X U.S.A. 120 40mm: 125 360 / 240 ane / ii
Cruiser VI - 10 Japan, Frg, U.S.Southward.R. 40 25mm: 300 180 / 120 2 / 3
Cruiser VI - Ten U.S.A. 40 25mm: 300 180 / 120 3 / 4
Destroyer 5 - X U.South.A. xxx 25mm: 300 180 / 120 2 / iii

Surveillance Radar I/II [ ]

  • Reveals all enemy ships within radar radius.
  • Extends view range in cyclones.
  • Cost: Gratis / 22,500
  • Cooldown: 180 / 120 seconds
  • Charges: ii / iii
Ship Tier Nation Duration (sec) Range (km)
Indianapolis, Atlanta , Flint 7 The statesA. 25 8.49
Belfast 7 U.K. 25 8.49
Cruiser VIII U.K., U.S.A. xxx ix.00
Cruiser IX U.K., United states of americaA. 35 nine.45
Cruiser 10 U.Thou., United statesA. forty 9.xc
Cruiser Eight, IX UsaS.R. 20 11.70
Cruiser X U.S.S.R. 25 11.70

Torpedo Reload Booster I/II [ ]

  • Reduces torpedo reload time to 5 seconds.
  • Japanese destroyers but, tiers VII and 9.
  • Elapsing: 1 2d
  • Cooldown: 360 / 240 seconds
  • Charges: 2 / iii
  • `\(-W-)/`


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